Crosstab behaviour with iReport

        Create a simple report as in the section 5.note that in this case has used datamart which is created according to the Star the below screen shot shows the relationship between fact and dimensions.


After several times clicking next buttons can create a report template as below.

       Select the crosstab from the palette and drag and drop to report summary section. Then appear the below window.   Select the Dataset as Main report dataset and click on the next button.


          Select the row group 1 field. This is going to display vertical in the crosstab. Click on the next button.


          Select the column group 1 and 2 field. This is going to display vertical in the crosstab. Click on the next button


          Define the measure field in the next window and click on the next button.


            In the below window can edit the layout of the crosstab such as colour schema and variations. Then click on the Finish button.


          Then appear the design view.


          Output will be display as below and PDF output will be generated successfully. Below crosstab view the sales amount quantity against the employee department and quarter.

        In the PDF output crosstab display at the end of the file. Because crosstab was inserted to the summary section of the report. If crosstab will be inserted other area such as details section report will be compiled successfully. But won’t be previewed the output. See the below screen shot.


       For avoid the above issue set as invisible the report section such as page header, column header, details, column footer and etc. Keep only title section and summary section. Above mention section can invisible by following these steps.
·         Select the report section which is want to invisible.
·         Set band height to 0

After deploy the above created report to server, it will displayed as below.


Crosstab behaviour with iReport Crosstab behaviour with iReport Reviewed by Pubudu Dewagama on 11:04:00 PM Rating: 5

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