How to Install Oracle 12c Database on Windows 7

In this post , I'm going to explain how to install oracle 12c database server on windows 7 can download Setup file from from Oracle site using below link.

Download both file and extract into one folder and you can see as below. Click on the setup.exe file.
If you neeed to update security configuration add you email or if not leave as blank.

Ignore the Below error and click on the Yes button.

Select the installion as 'Create and Configure a database ' radio button
Select the System class as 'Desktop Class' and click next.

 In here i'm create New windows user and provide user name and password. If you want to use existing window user or use Built-in account users select appropriate radio button.

In here you should give the Database name and Administrative password for SYSTEM or SYS.

Performance prerequisites checking is going on in the below .

Summary you can view as below.
Installation progress is going on.

As per the below screenshot oracle 12c Database has been install successfully on Windows 7 Operating system

How to Install Oracle 12c Database on Windows 7 How to Install Oracle 12c Database on Windows 7 Reviewed by Pubudu Dewagama on 9:03:00 PM Rating: 5

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