SAP Business Objects Data Services - Hierarchy Flattening Transform

The hierarchy flattening transform can analyze a parent-child relationship and provide a description of the hierarchy in a flattened format (vertically flattened/ horizontally flattened). Each row in the output will contain 1 parent-child relationship.

Create the design as follows.

Open the Hierarchy transforms and changes it as follows.

Select parent and child nodes relevantly.

If there is remaining attributes, put them in to under parent tab.(This is not a mandatory action)

After filling those click “Validate”.

Then automatically output table is mapped as follows.

Execute the job.

Compare the results.

SAP Business Objects Data Services - Hierarchy Flattening Transform SAP Business Objects Data Services - Hierarchy Flattening Transform Reviewed by Pubudu Dewagama on 7:31:00 PM Rating: 5

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