Azure - Create SQL Server Service on Azure Cloud

 In this post, I am going to show you , How to configure the Azure SQL Service in Azure Cloud platform. For this I have used Azure free subscription.



Step 1:-  You have to access to access the Azure portal. Search the SQL Service in the search bar.

Step 2:-   Once load the SQL Database click on the Add button.

Step 3:- Give the Subscription details.

Step 4:-  Assign the Resource group.

Step 5:-   Give the Database name as below.

Step 6:-  Create the New server name.

Step 7:-  To configure the SQL Database , click on the configure the database.

Step 8:- For this I have selected Basic Pricing plan with 5DTU and 100MB storage.

 for the above configuration , cost will be $4.99 per month.

Step 9:- In the networking section, selected the connectivity access method as 'No Access'

Step 10:-Keep default for the additional setting tab.

Step 11:-Keep default for the additional Tags tab.

Step 12:-In the review tab you can review the all configuration which we provided in the earlier steps.

Step 13:-Then click on the create button and it will deploying

Successfully, It will create the Resources for the SQL Service.

Step 14:-  Then click on the Go to resources and it will open the home window for the Azure SQL server

Step 15:-Click on the Query editor to connect to the database.


Step 16:-  Give the Username and password and it will give an error to reset the firewall rule.

 Step 17:- Get the Client IP from the error message and go to the Set Server Firewall menu.

 Step 18:-Assign the Client IP.

  Step 19:- Again give the User name and password, you can successfully connect to the AZURE SQL Service

Thank you !!!!!!!!!


Azure - Create SQL Server Service on Azure Cloud Azure - Create SQL Server Service on Azure Cloud Reviewed by Pubudu Dewagama on 5:33:00 AM Rating: 5

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