Install MongoDB Compass community version in Windows 10 OS

In this post I am going to install MongoDB compass community version on windows 10.

MongoDB compass is Graphical user interface for Mongo DB . You can visualized your data  and execute ad hoc queries. in addition to that  if you need to optimized your query performance you can use this tool and available for Linux, Mac and windows operating Systems.

You can download compass from below link.

Once you download the zip file extract to separate directory. Then double click on the MongoDBCompass application file.
after that you can see the below interface.
Already, if you install the mongo DB you can connect to the server by clicking on the connect button. If you havent install mongo DB the follow the below link( to install mongoDB on windows platform.

Once you connect to the DB you can view below screen.

If you have any issues related to mongodb or mongodb compass please comment in the comment section.

Thank you !!!
Install MongoDB Compass community version in Windows 10 OS Install MongoDB Compass community version  in Windows 10 OS Reviewed by Pubudu Dewagama on 8:21:00 AM Rating: 5

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