Step 1:- In my database , I have created two tables called A_ORDERS and A_SUPPLIERS. Data is available as below.
Step 2: Based on these tables, create a subject area like below using OBI Administrator Client.
Step 3: Create a Pivot Table as below.
Onces you created Pivot table you ca not see sum values for few cells.
Step 4: Go to the Criteria Tab and click on the meashure and select the ‘Column Properties’.
Go to Data Format Tab and Select Treated Number as ‘Custom’ and give the “ #,##0;-#,##0;0.00 “
Then you can see the out put as below. if you want to replace 0.00 with No Data, then you have to update the format as below.
“ #,##0;-#,##0; No Data“
Thank You !!!
OBIEE 11g: How to Replace Null Values in a Pivot Table
Reviewed by Pubudu Dewagama
11:22:00 PM
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