When we have data in row based we have to convert it into column base. for that we can use pivot machenaism in PL/SQL. in this post i’m going to explain how to pivot data frm oracle databse table and insert pivoted data to another table.
Step 1 : Create table and insert data using below scripts which contains the data to pivot.
Table Creation Script:
( Product_id integer NOT NULL,
customer_Name varchar2(50) NOT NULL,
order_id integer,
CONSTRAINT products_pk PRIMARY KEY (Product_id)
Insert Statements:
insert into Products values (0001,'Pubudu',10);
insert into Products values (0002,'Pubudu',20);
insert into Products values (0002,'Pubudu',30);
insert into Products values (0003,'Dewagama',30);
insert into Products values (0004,'Dewagama',40);
insert into Products values (0005,'Chamari',10);
insert into Products values (0006,'Chamari',10);
insert into Products values (0007,'Chamari',10);
insert into Products values (0008,'Chamari',10);
insert into Products values (0009,'Chamari',20);
insert into Products values (0010,'Fonseka',20);
insert into Products values (0011,'Fonseka',10);
insert into Products values (0012,'Fonseka',20);
Step 3 : When we executing below script, the PIVOT clause would return the following results:
SELECT customer_Name, order_id
FROM Products
FOR order_id IN (10, 20, 30, 40)
ORDER BY customer_Name;
Output :
Step 4 : If you need to store the above result into table you can execute below statement. then you can see the pivoted data in the newly created table.
create table Products_pivot as
(SELECT customer_Name, order_id FROM Products)
PIVOT(COUNT(order_id)FOR order_id IN (10, 20, 30, 40 ))
ORDER BY customer_Name;
once you executed above sql code, Data you can see as below.
Step 1 : Create table and insert data using below scripts which contains the data to pivot.
Table Creation Script:
( Product_id integer NOT NULL,
customer_Name varchar2(50) NOT NULL,
order_id integer,
CONSTRAINT products_pk PRIMARY KEY (Product_id)
Insert Statements:
insert into Products values (0001,'Pubudu',10);
insert into Products values (0002,'Pubudu',20);
insert into Products values (0002,'Pubudu',30);
insert into Products values (0003,'Dewagama',30);
insert into Products values (0004,'Dewagama',40);
insert into Products values (0005,'Chamari',10);
insert into Products values (0006,'Chamari',10);
insert into Products values (0007,'Chamari',10);
insert into Products values (0008,'Chamari',10);
insert into Products values (0009,'Chamari',20);
insert into Products values (0010,'Fonseka',20);
insert into Products values (0011,'Fonseka',10);
insert into Products values (0012,'Fonseka',20);
Step 3 : When we executing below script, the PIVOT clause would return the following results:
SELECT customer_Name, order_id
FROM Products
FOR order_id IN (10, 20, 30, 40)
ORDER BY customer_Name;
Output :
Step 4 : If you need to store the above result into table you can execute below statement. then you can see the pivoted data in the newly created table.
create table Products_pivot as
(SELECT customer_Name, order_id FROM Products)
PIVOT(COUNT(order_id)FOR order_id IN (10, 20, 30, 40 ))
ORDER BY customer_Name;
once you executed above sql code, Data you can see as below.
PL / SQL : How to Pivot data in the oracle table.
Reviewed by Pubudu Dewagama
2:57:00 AM
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